What is sexual abuse?
"Sexual abuse is any type of non-consensual sexual contact (to be consensual it has to be capable, informed, and unforced consent). this form of assault and abuse can happen to men or women of any age. Childhood sexual abuse is any contact or interaction (visual, verbal, or psychological) between a child or adolescent and an adult when the child or adolescent is being used for the sexual stimulation of the perpetrator or any other persona. Sexual abuse may be committed by a person under the age of eighteen when that person is either significantly older than the victim or in a position of power/control over the child/adolescent." - Dr. Dan B. Allendar, The Wounded Heart: Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Statistics (based on reported cases):
It is estimated that every 68 seconds someone is being sexually assaulted in America, and every 9 minutes that someone is a child.
1 in 10 children in the U.S. will be sexually abused before they reach age 18.
1 in 6 women have already experienced some form of sexual assault or attempted rape.
About 90% of abuse victims know their perpetrator.
Less than 60% cases of sexual abuse are ever reported.
There are over 42 million adult survivors of child sexual abuse in America today.
(Sources: Darkness to Light at D2L.org, the NAASCA.org, and the Rape And Incest National Network at RAINN.org.)
Common Long Term Effects:
PTSD symptoms, or the disorder itself
Fear and anxiety
Physical pain (abdominal, vaginal, headaches)
Hyper sensitivity to light, sound, or smells
Hyper sensitivity to certain places or people
Anger outbursts
Controlling behavior
Wreckless behavior
Thoughts of suicide
Difficulty maintaining close relationships
Problem with authority
Inability to obtain or maintain employment
Mental health problems
Learning disabilities
(Sources: The National Center for PTSD at ptsd.va.gov and Darkness to Light at D2L.org)
Next Steps for Survivors
If you’re a survivor of past sexual trauma we want you to know you are not alone and there is hope for healing. Connect with our programs, or visit the online resources noted below. You can find our recommended books on our main resource page for survivors via the link below.